Thursday, September 1, 2011

Info (General)

Connor is officially sleeping without a diaper. He is one week in with no accidents.

When asked what he wants for his birthday, Connor told us that he wants:
1. Party Hats.
2. Birthday Cake.
3. Presents for everyone.

Connor is getting three masks from us: Iron Man, Captain America, and Spiderman. For his birthday party tomorrow (Wurgler side) my mom and I made cookies in the shape of Captain, Hulk, Spiderman, and Iron Man. I will upload pictures once my dad sends them to me.

Connor weighs 36 lbs.

Logan, Jaxon, and Haylee have been climbing all the trees this week. Logan has announced he is no longer scared of heights because Cedar Point and Idlewild have cured him. He made it all the way to the top and was angry that he couldn't stay in the tree until his bus driver opened the door for him to board.

Elliot had his first real play date today when Ben Nickels came over to play. They crawled around and around the chair and hugged each other violently. We have it on video but can't put it online because Ben and family are shy.


Connor walked past a man at Walmart that was wearing an eye patch. He was middle aged, bald, and not wearing it for fun.

Connor mutters under his breath, "Now there's a pirate," using his deepest gravelly voice.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Connor's one liners.

"MOM! My poop looks like a snake and an alligator!"
"MOM! I'm nodda doggie."
"MOM! I'm nodda bubble duppie!"
"Look at me webs" (As he is pretending to shoot everything.)


Connor broke his bottom two teeth two days ago. He jumped on the couch and hit them on the table. He split the bottom left and the bottom right. He cries when we try to brush his teeth, but the dentist said he can't fix them.


Logan is starting the fourth grade tomorrow. He cried all through the store because he didn't want to buy his supplies because he doesn't want to go back. He got Mrs. Kester this year and is in class with his friend Isaiah Nickles down the street. We have orientation tonight, Kevin is coming home early to go with him.

Logan's favorite color is green. His favorite foods are milk shakes, ice cream, waffles, pancakes, and burgers.

Logan has been watching Dragon Ball Z non stop online and playing games online. He enjoys a good video game, going to the movies, and hanging out with his friends. Last week, Logan had Quincy Lyles over for six days and had Deven Frase over for two that overlapped.


Connor is by far the child that is changing the most lately. First, Connor is potty trained completely and has very few accidents. He stays dry all night long and doesn't really need any diapers. That being said, he told me today that he "peed in the Wii remope."

Connor weighs 36 lbs as of now. He uses Kevin's IPad 2 with ease and flips between books and stories on it. He loves "dadas" and taking baths. He prefers Kevin all the time and is a total Daddy's Boy.

Connor says that his favorite color is purple. His favorite food is Lasagna and fruit snacks (called Vroom Vroom snacks.) He likes to pretend he is Mario on the T.V. His favorite shows are Backyardigans, Bubble Guppies, Spider Man (1967) and the newer 1990's, and Jack and the Never Land Pirates.

Connor told me today that he isn't afraid of Captain Hook. He takes things. But he is afraid of the mean tomato on Bubble Guppies.

Connor loves painting right now. He uses purple and green always and tells me that he is making pictures for his daddy.


So many changes that I have been so bad on documenting. Elliot has gotten much happier in the past few weeks. He started asking for Kevin at the start of last week. He cries for him when he gets home from work and hauls booty across the floor to get to him. He is also walking now. He was crawling like a spider for about a month before. He gets up on his hands and feet and flies across the floor. He started taking steps about two weeks ago and has been trying to walk since. Yesterday he was walking almost exclusively, and now he is only walking.

Elliot has also started playing action figures. He picks them up and shrieks and then bangs them on the table. He loves feeding himself, taking baths, and playing in the playroom. He is a t.v. hog and also enjoys the trampoline.