Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Connor and Us

We've taken some really cute photos of Connor with us. Some are while on walks, some are just putzing around the house. All of them are equally sweet.

I love taking pictures of Kevin and Connor.

Kevin, Connor, and myself often go for walks around the neighborhood. I LOVE my sling and use it all the time. (Thanks Kat!)

Of course we have some of Grandma Dot and Connor. These were at Jason and Dan's karaoke party around Christmas time. Grandma Dot was helping Baby Connor play air guitar.

Logan helps Connor "walk" around the house and helps him stand up against the couch. They also share fuzzy blankets on the floor and big leather arm chairs.

Connor's first love was Aunt Susie. He couldn't take his eyes off her and smiled continually while she held him. It was love at first sight.

Here is Kevin and Baby Burrito from October 31st 2008. We LOVE free burrito day.

A couple more sweet pictures of Connor and me.

Connor's Fourth Tooth

While I don't intend to blog about all of Connor's teeth, his first four seem important. Today - Connor cut his fourth tooth on the top.

I'm starting to think that Connor is part beaver. . .his top teeth are seriously large enough that he could gnaw through trees.

With Connor's new tooth, he was really drooly all day today. I decided that he needed a bath and put him in the sink for his first sink bath at our home. He splished, he splashed, he soaked everyone around him. His pictures are ADORABLE!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Baby Connor's Newest Tooth

While in Fort Myers, Connor was a bit on the fussy side of life. After a quick examination of his mouth, we found two top teeth ready to poke through. While on the plane ride home, one of his top teeth finally arrived.

For anyone who wants a visual. . .Connor has two tiny teeth stuck out on the bottom and one little tooth on the top left barely showing.