Saturday, June 27, 2009

Connor's first joke

Last Saturday, Connor did what we consider his first attempt to make us laugh. He turned, put his pacifier in his mouth (backwards)and wiggled it around using his teeth. He was smiling while he did it and turned to face both me and Kevin in turns. He then dropped his paci, stuck out his giant teeth and started breathing through them.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Logan's Last Day

I made sure I was home early on Logan's last day of school so I could take pictures. When Kevin and I asked him if he was going to miss first grade he said no because "Miss Meklus is getting meaner by the day!" I explained that getting the whole year wrapped up takes a lot of work and a lot of cooperation and then he understood. Logan's teacher made him an end of the year scrapbook that is amazing. It has tons of pictures and work that he did throughout the year. His bus driver also spoiled the kids by giving them popsickles.


Connor is notorious for falling asleep in random park swings. If you look at his bib, you'll see it says, "caution, might bite when hungry." Unfortunetly, a little girl at the theatre didn't read his bib before she stuck her finger in his mouth during UP. She squealed and cried out that he bite her. Can't say that there wasn't a disclaimer. It wasn't all her fault though, she was still young enough that she thought the old man in the movie was her actual Grandpa and cried when his stuff started to fall down.

Anyways, back to the park. Connor and Logan both LOVE to swing. Connor doesn't like to squint, but loves it if his back is to the sun. These are some adorable pictures of my cute baby.


We love taking pictures of Connor and his Grandmas. Connor goes bananas when he sees them. He usually eats the stackable cups at Grandma Tams and scopes out the squirrels at Grandma Dots. We also LOVE the muscle shirt and how his chunk can be seen through the sides.

Logan Vs. Connor

Logan had a bowl of BBQ chips on a new bench I got for the boys. Connor crawled over, picked up the bowl, and waved it around spreading chips across the floor. Logan came in and said, "Baby Connor, I leave for two or three seconds and you get my BBQ chips. I should have NEVER taught you to stand up!"

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Age for dating

Maddie told Logan that Jackson has a girlfriend. Logan responded with, "What?!? He's not even eighteen!"

Logan's Swing Set

Kevin and I decided to save about a thousand dollars by building our own swing set for Logan's belated birthday present. I haven't been able to help because of Connor, so my Dad has been coming over. I have some pictures that I will be posting periodically. So far, Kevin and Dad have gotten the fort up and are currently cutting more wood for the monkey bars, rock climbing wall, and swings. I knew that Kevin was good at building smaller things, but am really impressed by his skills so far. He hasn't really needed much help and is doing an AMAZING job! Stay tuned for pictures showing the new addition.