Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Room

I decided to baby proof one of our rooms for Connor, and moved most of his toys into the other room. Logan helped me organize his toys and he dusted all of the furniture. The room came out really great, so I posted pictures to make my Mom proud.


Since being married, Kevin and I have been able to travel quite a bit but never without a parent and usually not together. We took our first Rapp II vacation together last weekend and had a wonderful time! I planned a short trip to PA, and decided to go to Kennywood Amusement Park. I had to take pictures of everyone loaded in the new Van (Soctavius) because my Mom took the same types of pictures of us when we were little.

In Pittsburg, we got rained on. There were two bright rainbows streaking across the sky, and we could see the entire arches. They were the most beautiful rainbows I've seen and Kevin said they were brighter than the ones he saw in Ireland.

After experiencing the worst Connor Bomb ever, we found a hotel that wasn't booked. It was a Marriott and only about ten minutes away from the park. We didn't have much options, but the Lady at the desk said we could have one king size bed or two doubles. We took the one king size. When Logan went into the room, he looked at the bed and decided that it looked small. He told us that he thought the hotel messed up and only gave us a jack sized bed.

One of the pool rules was "Absolutely no prolonged underwater swimming or breath holding." Logan defied the rule by repeatedly holding his breath underwater. We worry about his morals. After dunking and throwing Logan, we all watched fireworks through the windows. Connor also spent the evening splashing the water and everyone in his path.

At Kennywood, Logan was able to ride all but three rides. He was very brave, and rode most all of them. Here are a couple carosel pictures.

Connor had a tiny bit of cotton candy and painted it on his face.

Logan's favorite ride was the Aero360. It was a ride that hangs you upside down and swings you back and forth. He rode it twice. I took pictures to show you how big and scary it was. He seemed so little to be hanging there next to me.

While waiting, Connor looked cute and posed for a couple of pics. There is also a nice collage of family pics and randomn cuteness and clean family fun.

We hunted this moose and tried to snap his picture, but he was hard to corner and film.


We promised pictures of the new swing set and here some are! We are still waiting for monkey bars, a rock climbing wall, and a ladder. . but the swings are up and ready for action!


Can't resist adorable Connor sink pictures.


Connor enjoying a dough nut with the family, and showing off his teeth. He loves sitting on the back deck with us.


Logan and Connor hanging out in the new play room. It looks like I am starving Logan and plumping up Connor but I swear I offer them food equally.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Connor Vs. Logan

Connor was getting the T.V. remote at my Mom's house and generally just stirring up trouble. My Mom was getting after Connor asking him why he was misbehaving. Logan cut in and said, "Grandma, Connor is never going to give up his life of crime!"

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Swing Set Update

Still waiting on pictures of the swing set. Need to upload them. But today, Kevin and my Dad got the high beam on and all the swings hung. It looks amazing and both men have been working like crazy! Connor had his first swing - captured on video - and Logan is anticipating his first swing.

Kevin and my Dad seem to be working really well together. It's so nice seeing them spend time together and create something so special for the boys.

Logan and My Mom

Logan is staying with my Mom for the next couple of days and she has been spoiling him as always. They were getting ready for the park and Logan was pressuring my mom to make lumch faster so they could go.

My Mom went to make sure his play room was picked up before they left. It was messy (no big surprise) and she told Logan that he was "such a guy." He agreed and she told him that he "should clean like a girl."

In Logan's best girl voice, he said, "Honey, can you come in here and help me clean up this room." Apparently he was immatating me when I ask Kevin for help cleaning.

Rolly Polly

Connor has been really trying us lately. He crawls full speed over to the WII and tries to pull it off the stand over and over. He also has a very bad habit of fighting his diaper and car seat.

Today, Laura said that Connor acted like a Rolly Polly (Pill Bug). He pulled his legs up to his chest and continued to roll back and forth fighting the diaper she was trying to put on him. He laughed at her the entire time she fought with him.

He has one of two signature moves. He either belly laughs or arches his back while screaming.