Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Polar Express - Cuyahoga Valley Railroad

Every year, Kevin and I make a point to find Santa so that Logan can get in a special visit in. One year, Santa was able to take time out of his busy schedule and drive his off-season Honda Accord over to my parents. This year, we met up with him on the Polar Express.

The experience was amazing. I ran out to Old Navy and got P.J's for the family so we could all fit in. Kevin and I both complemented our outfits with scarves and Connor Baby wore his festive green bib.

We listened to the 24 hour Christmas song station that Kevin adores so much each year! And Logan and I practiced singing obnoxious Christmas songs on the way to the station (located near Luigi's).

Once there, we boarded the train while listening to Polar Express songs from the movie. After being seated and greeted by elves, we were read a story and given hot chocolate and cookies. Logan feels that the hot chocolate was the "best hot chocolate of his life!" Connor felt the cookie was much better.

After an hour, we arrived at the North Pole which was decorated with hobos, singing christmas trees, elves, lights, and pretty much everything the kids would love to see. One guy rocked out on his guitar in front of our train window, while another rode a neat bike. One elf did the Marcarena while others smiled and waved.

After seeing the station and waving at all the elves, Santa snuck onto our train! Logan was the first boy on the train and spotted him first. He jumped up in his seat, twisted around, and flung himself into Santa's arms. Santa hugged him tight and asked what he wanted for Christmas. Logan said that he wanted a skate board and that Connor wanted a new diaper. After their visit, Santa gave Logan his very own bell off of the reindeer sleigh.

Logan told me that he was sure that it was Rudolph's bell because he was the first boy on the train and Rudolph was the first deer on the sleigh. He held it tight and slept with it under his pillow for days afterwards!

On the way back, Connor decided he wanted to nurse. I did so, and scandalized a woman who sat across the aisle.

Logan ended the evening by begging for more hot chocolate (two wasn't enough) and then falling asleep in the car next to his brother.

It was a great night! Once Kevin's computer is up again, we'll finally get the pictures up.