Thursday, January 28, 2010

Logan and Monopoly

Logan loves monopoly! So - we packed it up and took it to Grandma's for a night. Kevin had to work late, and didn't finish up until after 10, so it was just Grandpa, Grandma, Logan and I. Connor was already down for the night.

I told my parents that my boss told employees that she use to be a stripper. I thought it was odd for her to tell people that. My Dad corrected me and said I shouldn't talk about such things in front of Logan. My Mom said that Logan didn't even know what that meant and to calm down. So Logan responded with, "Yes I do, Grandma!" My Mom asked him what it was, and Logan started giggling and said, "I do it all the time!"

Connor and Daddy

I know I'm blogging a lot about Connor, but the little dude is changing so much! He use to have to have Mommy for nighttime and didn't want Kevin at all. Now, he has been nursing for about 30 seconds, sitting up, and yelling Da! Da! Da! until Kevin comes to walk him around the house.

The only time he wants to nurse is if he wakes up in the middle of the night. He has been sleeping through for the past two weeks. Now that his molars are through, he doesn't seem to need me much anymore.

Connor and his duck.

Connor received a wooden duck on a stick that flaps it's wings when you push it around for Christmas from his Aunt Kat. He hasn't become fond of anything yet - no blankies or stuffed animals or lovies of any kind. Until the duck.

Connor pushes the duck around the house saying "quack quack quack" over and over. He asks to bring it with him when he goes to the sitters. He screams whenever it is put away or Logan touches it.

Connor is truly in love with his duck.

Connor's Molars

So, Connor has been a terror over the past month or so. His left eye became gooey, but he never ran a fever or had any other signs of sickness. He chased Logan around the house and repeatedly bit him, squealed unhappily at Chester (His Grandma's Golden Retriever) and repeatedly hit.

Turns out the poor little dude isn't a holy monster after all. After his eye has healed up again on its own, I found four little molars poking out of his gums. Poor guy was being tormented and was just sharing his frustrations.

I'm relieved to find out that I did not birth the Anti-Christ.