Thursday, February 25, 2010

Connor hates T.V.

Connor hates T.V. While his friends are all watching Toy Story, The Bee Movie, and Care Bears. . .Connor has steadily refused. He won't acknowledge Sesame Street and thumbs his nose at Noggin.

But, We have found one show that Connor enjoys. In fact, he goes crazy! Connor LOVES ABDC (America's Best Dance Crew). When he sees the different groups get on stage to perform, he jumps up and starts head bobbing. After a bit of bobbing, he then bends down and starts hitting his legs in a crazy country western style of dance.

When each performance is over, he gets really angry. He screams and cries and throws the remote to me hoping that I will rewind the dance crew so he can dance again.

Logan watching Connor

Connor was strapped in his chair eating an ice cream cone and Logan was helping me watch him. So I hear Logan say, "So, Ice Cream. . .Connor. . known each other long?"