Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Logan's interest in girls.

Logan says, "Mom, if you want to see some beautiful girls, just look at my phone." He left for school - as serious as could be.

He had taken pictures of my mom's chickens and had them set as his background.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Connor's new accomplishments

Connor has been using the potty off and on for the past two weeks. He is now peeing in the potty up to four times a day. He consistently wakes up from nap and bedtime with a dry diaper. He insists on pushing his button (belly) and then giggles in glee when he hears the pee. He yells "Ta Da" when he is done, claps once above his head, and then gets to flush.

Connor also spoke his first real sentence. It went, "a foobaw a Jill's how." Translated, it is "There's a Football at Jill's House." He is consistently using two words together now, and is pretty articulate.

Connor still speaks in sounds. Here are some of his new favorites:

Vroom Vroom Box - Cars lunch box used to carry his cars.
Vroom Vroom Potty - Cheer after he uses his potty - taught to him by Grandpa K.
Bock Bock - Chickens
Who Who Ha Ha - Monkeys (often blamed for peeing in his diaper)
num nums - anything tasty
Boo Boo - Short for Boo Boo Bear A.K.A Elliot
A ton Mac - On your mark

Connor's newest troublesome behaviors are: Helping himself to an assortment of condiments, drinks, and treats from the refrigerator. Painting himself and the table with his yogurt. Slurping his applesauce out of his cup like a puppy. And stealing/opening packages of Ho Hos in the market and at breakfast time.

Connor feels left out when he isn't given homework and lies on the floor next to Logan to complete his while Logan works on his 3rd grade work.

Logan and Isaiah

Logan and Isaiah, a friend down the street, wanted to go into Isaiah's house to play. I told them they needed to wait for Isaiah's mom to get home. . and then they could ask her.

I then heard Logan and Isaiah conspiring to get inside. They waited for Jody to return, and Isaiah asked to use the bathroom. Then Logan followed him inside, pretending that he too needed to use it.

Both boys insisted that they needed "to go number 2." However, Jody found them lounging on Isaiah's bed. . not in the bathroom.

We both had to tell the boys that lying about Number 2 is no excuse. It was ridiculous!

Elliot's 4 month check up

Elliot weighed in at 15 lbs and 32 inches. He is in the fiftieth percentile for height and weight. They checked his hips, pulled on his arms, looked in his ears, and tinkered with him and decided that he is in fact a baby and is doing well. Connor at this age was off the charts in both height, weight, and head size.

Connor at Fazoli's

Every time we go to Fazoli's, Connor begs for new bread sticks before he finishes his own. I told him that he needed to finish his bread stick before he got a new one. So Connor picked up his stick, moved it to the opposite side of his plate, said "done" and reached for a new one.

Logan and Baby Elliot

Logan was looking at Elliot and me in confusion and finally says, "Mom, are you sure Elliot is a boy?" I say, "Yeah Logan, we're pretty sure!" Logan says, "How do you know?" I say, "Well, the Dr. said so, plus he has a wiener." Logan says, "Yeah! But everyone does."

About three hours later, Logan asks me again if I'm sure. He says, "Mom, look at his eyelashes! I mean, come on! That's a girl."