Saturday, February 26, 2011

Elliot is crawling.

Elliot started crawling four days ago (Tuesday, February 23th.) He is able to inch around the house now and crawls to my feet and begs to get up. He is usually content to sit with a box of toys, but will inch if he sees something that is extra enticing.

Great Lakes Science Center

We went to the G.L.S.C. today and checked out the Mars Exhibit and the General Admission area with the boys.

We really enjoyed the Main Admission section which was loaded with cool activities for the kids and neat things for us to look at. Connor found a play section loaded with balls while Logan created twisters, echoes, and chaos.

The Mars exhibit was a bit disappointing. Not lame, but just okay. Logan was able to create his own rockets and launch them though. . which entertained him for along while.

Logan skipped to every exhibit learning about traveling in space, while Connor wondered around gaping at everything in site.

Kevin will post pictures soon.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Connor has had a couple of really big moments. First, he is sleeping in a tiny bed provided by Grandma Dot. It's adorable - the size of a crib but only as tall as my shin. Every night, he sleeps with about 25 action figures and three books. I hear them fall and hit the grate during the night. He often gets up, finds Kevin, and says "Mo dadas? Mo dadas?" (More action figures? Want to play?"

I ordered Connor mini corndogs on Sunday at Steak n Shake. He bit into each of them, gasped, and said, "Chicki nug nug a ha dock!" (A chicken nugget hot dog!)
He bit each of them to make sure that there was a hidden hot dog in each and cheered with each finding.

He has also been saying, "bing eh aw Boo Boo L-ye-ot." (Bring it on Boo Boo Elliot.) I have to run and save Boo before Connor can fully attack.


Elliot went to the Dr. and was weighed at 17 lbs about three weeks ago. He can squirm on the floor, but is really happy just sitting and looking around. On Friday, he looked at me and turned. He grabbed the couch and pulled himself up into a full standing position. It's the first major movement that he has done. He has no teeth yet, and is drooling like crazy.