Thursday, September 1, 2011

Info (General)

Connor is officially sleeping without a diaper. He is one week in with no accidents.

When asked what he wants for his birthday, Connor told us that he wants:
1. Party Hats.
2. Birthday Cake.
3. Presents for everyone.

Connor is getting three masks from us: Iron Man, Captain America, and Spiderman. For his birthday party tomorrow (Wurgler side) my mom and I made cookies in the shape of Captain, Hulk, Spiderman, and Iron Man. I will upload pictures once my dad sends them to me.

Connor weighs 36 lbs.

Logan, Jaxon, and Haylee have been climbing all the trees this week. Logan has announced he is no longer scared of heights because Cedar Point and Idlewild have cured him. He made it all the way to the top and was angry that he couldn't stay in the tree until his bus driver opened the door for him to board.

Elliot had his first real play date today when Ben Nickels came over to play. They crawled around and around the chair and hugged each other violently. We have it on video but can't put it online because Ben and family are shy.


Connor walked past a man at Walmart that was wearing an eye patch. He was middle aged, bald, and not wearing it for fun.

Connor mutters under his breath, "Now there's a pirate," using his deepest gravelly voice.