Monday, March 30, 2009

Logan's 2nd Birthday Party

On Sunday after the party, Kevin took Quincy back to Youngstown and returned home for another Logan Birthday Party.

Uncle Chris, Aunt Christina, Brandon, Uncle Rob, Aiden, Grandma, Grandpa, and Chester came over for dinner.

Aiden and Logan played Wii golf while Connor grew a tooth. Grandpa helped Logan install his new mouse and Uncle Chris accidentally broke Logan's new sword by beating his son Brandon with the foam weapon (Don't worry, he fixed it already.)

Grandma and Grandpa gave Logan a day at Universal Studio which he will enjoy next week when we stay with Grandma Dot. Logan began talking about "taunting the fountain." He "taunted" the fountain at Universal for over an hour when he went for his fifth birthday.

Logan also went out for a special birthday lunch with Quincy and Grandma Polka Dot. He was able to pick out new soccer shoes, body protectors (for roller blading) and the sweetest green soccer socks. The boys enjoyed playing at the sponge park as well.

Logan's Birthday Party

Logan is very use to AMAZING birthday parties. When he turned four, he had a party with friends at Chucke Cheeses. When he turned five, he got to eat breakfast with Spider-Man (or in his words, "Only a man in a suit") at Universal Studios. He had a Scientist (NOT a Scientologist) come to his party last year. And this year. . . he had EIGHT seven year olds spend the night!!!

The attendees were Mitchell, Quincy, Deven, Riley, Tyler, Tyson, Jordan, Isaiah, and Logan. I'll spare you the gruesome details and just point out the highlights of the night.

First, Kevin got a game of kick ball going and the boys were LOVING it. They rotated in and out of the game so that they could jump on the trampoline. During this time, Tyler repeatedly lost his shoe, Mitchell repeatedly got into trouble for stick weilding, and Deven got his afro stuck in a pine tree. The most memorable question while outside was from Deven: "Ms Jowee, Can we watch Jeepers Cweepers II because I just wuv that movie. . .It's so funny!"

After freeze tag, kickball, and trampolining. . .the boys came inside and sang a rousing birthday song to Logan where they all yelled Cha Cha Cha repeatedly. Gifts were opened and the boys all flew downstairs to find Easter Eggs. (My friend Rosa and her son Quintin where also at the party) Rosa hid the eggs while we were outside. The boys found the eggs in about five minutes flat and then dumped all the insides onto my carpet. The most memorable conversation once again goes to Deven: Logan said "Mom! Someone ate my candy!" I responded with, "Guys, don't eat each other's candy." Deven then said, "Sowwy." I said, "Deven, you ate his candy?" and Deven said, "What?? I have a sweet toof!!!"

After this, the boys started into a WII party. Four played at a time and shared pretty well actually. The rest of the boys played downstairs with the xbox, action figures, storm trooper gun, balloons, and hulk hands. Jordan, Isaiah, Riley, Tyler, Tyson, Logan, well. . . pretty much everyone then came and beat the holy smokes out of Kevin. This may have been their favorite part of the night.

Around 1:00 am, Kevin turned on Kung Fu Panda and the boys all nested in for the night. Except for Tyson, Jordan's human foot rest, who fell asleep at 11:00. Quintin took the most memorable moment during the movie. When hearing a commotion downstairs, Kevin rushed down to find out that a certain someone was talking during the movie and the natives where about to riot. The conversation went as follows. Kevin- "Quintin, your not suppose to be talking during the movie." Quintin - "But it is terrible!" Kevin - "What's terrible Quintin?" Quintin - "It is terrible that Kung Fu Panda fell." Kevin - "Be that as it may Quintin, you are not suppose to be talking during the movie." After being told of the conversation, Rosa responded with "What? It's known that black people talk through movies!"

At 3 AM, Kevin FORCED the last of the boys to fall asleep. Isaiah and Tyler finally laid down and went to sleep. Kevin was brave and slept on the bed on the other side of the basement. Another shocking developement was found. Logan was the first awake. While his minions slept, he played with his new lego ships. Kevin made sixty pancakes and I fried up some bacon (which my dad later described as smelling of "Mary Jane" or "Weed." The boys each woke up (luckily two by two) and ate their pancakes and left.

The part all moms are wondering? Here it is. I only had to wash two loads of peed laundry. . . Connor was attached in his sling during the entirety of the party and pizza hut provided the dinner.

Overall, I think the party was a success. AND Kevin and I are glad that there is a whole-nother year before we have to do it again.

P.S. If your wondering what Logan needs for his Birthday, just know it's a GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP!"


Connor's Tooth Part II

On Sunday, Connor took an unexpected three hour nap. I checked his mouth and found only one little tooth that arrived last Saturday. I checked again around 3:00 PM and there was still nothing new. My mom came and checked at 5 and found a new shiny little tip. Connor has been chewing his thumb and watching the family ever since. I'm very proud to know that his new tooth arrived between the hours of 3 - 5 pm.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Logan's B-Day

Kevin and I have a death wish. We just invited 11 boys total to spend the night on Saturday night. If we survive, I will tell you all about it.

A big weekend for Connor

So, Connor got his first tooth!!! It is on the bottom left center of his gums. AND Connor has said his first word!!! I WIN! When he wants my attention he yells, "mmmamamama." I think it counts! Logan's first word was dog, so this is so much more satisfying! In fact, he just yelled mmmamamama and crawled over to me from the other side of the room.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Star Wars Logic

When Kevin lived in Columbus, Logan and I use to visit almost every weekend. Logan was a young four at the time. The boys would carry around "weapons" for protection. Each would go shopping with lightsabers attached to their sides.

On one of our trips, Logan wanted to bring several lightsabers with him. We didn't want to end up carrying them so Kevin stepped in. He told Logan that Mace Windu only needed one lightsaber to fight. Logan responded with, "But General Grievous needs four."

We really couldn't argue, so Logan got to take them.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Emails to Grammy

Logan's teacher wanted him to work on his grammar so Kevin and I have asked Logan to write Grandma Tam four sentences every night. He types out his letter and we help him correct any mistakes.

Logan wrote Grandma a very short email and she sent one back telling him that she expects six sentences because he is six. Logan replied with an email that said:


I inspeckt fifty six sentences because you are fifty six.


He giggled a hysterical sneaky mischievous laugh after he sent it.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

When Logan Got Quincey

Kevin and I thought of a story so good, that we had to post it even though it is old. It all started on vacation at Grandpa Ken's house. My mom, Logan, and I went to visit in 2008.

G.K. wanted to take Logan to get his first Webkins. He searched the net until he found some available at Cracker Barrel and he took off with Logan to get him one. Logan was so excited that he named his black lab Quincey after his best friend Quincy Lyles.

At bedtime. Logan left Quincey in the care of Grandma Tam while he prepared for bed. G.T. was eating chocolate raisins and placed a small pile by Quincey. When Logan returned, she told him that Quincey had an accident.

Logan instantly freaked out. His hand flew to his mouth and his eyes bugged. He started stuttering and said that his dog wasn't suppose to be real. He backed himself out of the spare room. G.T then took a raisin and threw it to Logan. He squealed and ran completely out of the room and peeked around the corner. G.T. told Logan that she would try one of the raisins. Logan held his mouth and looked horrified.

Without saying another word, Logan ran from the room. He ran all the way to G.K's room but couldn't get in because G.K. had gone to bed. He came back and told me and G.T. that he went to ask G.K. to return Quincey. He didn't want to have a dog that wasn't potty trained.

We explained what we did, and all giggled about it. But, Logan fell for the same trick later when G.T. put Quincey in the corner with a small pile of chocolate covered raisins and similiarly when G.T. said that Quincey was actually eating cheese.

Connor's new accomplishment

Connor is now leaning toward who ever he wants to hold him. He has also started grabbing bottles and food and shoving it into his mouth. He first reached for us last Thursday at Theres's going away party.

A Trip to Big Fun

One of our favorite spots to go as a family is Big Fun Toys in Coventry. Kevin, Logan, and I went today and met up with friends from Kevin's work.

Logan was walking around with a squeaking rubber chicken giggling and shoving it lovingly in all of our faces so we could really hear it. A man who works at the shop came over and asked to see the chicken. He picked up the entire stash of rubber chickens and put them behind the counter until we left. Logan had to settle with three new (used) Star Wars figures.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Connor's trip to the dermatologist

While at the dermatologist on Tuesday, Connor found the love of his life. When he saw my nurse, he began shrieking, arching his back, and smacking his lips. He cried out when she left the room and began kicking his feet wildly when she picked him up. It was baby love at first sight.

Logan's School Work

Logan always writes sentences in school. This is one that really stood out.

"I was in a buttato sack race."