Monday, March 30, 2009

Logan's 2nd Birthday Party

On Sunday after the party, Kevin took Quincy back to Youngstown and returned home for another Logan Birthday Party.

Uncle Chris, Aunt Christina, Brandon, Uncle Rob, Aiden, Grandma, Grandpa, and Chester came over for dinner.

Aiden and Logan played Wii golf while Connor grew a tooth. Grandpa helped Logan install his new mouse and Uncle Chris accidentally broke Logan's new sword by beating his son Brandon with the foam weapon (Don't worry, he fixed it already.)

Grandma and Grandpa gave Logan a day at Universal Studio which he will enjoy next week when we stay with Grandma Dot. Logan began talking about "taunting the fountain." He "taunted" the fountain at Universal for over an hour when he went for his fifth birthday.

Logan also went out for a special birthday lunch with Quincy and Grandma Polka Dot. He was able to pick out new soccer shoes, body protectors (for roller blading) and the sweetest green soccer socks. The boys enjoyed playing at the sponge park as well.

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