Sunday, May 10, 2009

Our Trip to Toronto

Kevin and I journeyed out this weekend for a last minute road trip to Toronto. We went specifically to see the Toronto Comics Art Festival, but ended up seeing so much more. Logan stayed with my Mom, while Connor was brave enough to venture across the border with us. We met up with Frankie, David, Michael, Abby, and Courtland on Saturday afternoon.

By the end of Saturday, Connor was carried for a grand total of ten hours straight. . and slung for seven of it. I've got to say the Ergo baby sling is amazing. I went all over the city and never complained.

Kevin and I walked to the comic nerd fest and stopped at Star Bucks along the way. We took some great sling pictures while there:

While at the festival, Kevin was able to meet an author who makes one of his favorite books, "Scott Pilgrim." Frankie walked around and got distributors to check out his new book, "Punch Up." We found a book named Franklin Pickle for Logan and then made our way out to see the new Star Trek movie. Connor lasted about forty minutes into it before he fell asleep. We LOVE how Frankie and Connor share the same facial expressions in their pictures.

After going to some art galleries and nearly freezing to death, we found a Chinese/Canadian restaurant to feed us. I told Kevin that you don't expect health foods at the Waffle House and that ordering anything other than Chinese food might be a bad thing. He agreed. He should have known that I am ALWAYS WRONG! It turned out that they made fantastic fries and pancakes. However, Kevin's General Tsau's tasted a lot like curdled milk and Courtland's omelet was a bunch of eggs and one slice of kraft cheese in the middle. Overall, it wasn't a pleasant experience.

Getting home fast was important because it was too cold for Connor, so we took the street car back. We took some more cute pictures because Connor was cracking up and squealing loudly on the ride. While riding, we watched a very uncordinated officially crazy man check out a scandaly dressed girl and threaten a homeless man who hopped the car and tried to get a free ride. The driver stopped and threw off the two homeless men . . This story is much more interesting when you hear the voice the man had. It was similar to the voice from sling blade.

These picture were taken right outside of David's apartment. Down the street was a cafe called Obama's. It had a manican in the window dressed like Obama. It seems that us Americans aren't the only ones hoping that he does great things. Kevin is excited about this last picture because he says Connor looks like a pirate.

Other highlights of the trip:

1. While walking to meet up with Michael, David, Abby, and Courtland, Kevin was solicited by a working girl. Kevin politely said, "No thank you" and walked away.

2. We got three phone calls at the hotel starting at 8:45 am from Fabian at Guest Services. He told us that the room next to us was trashed by two boys during the night and offered us 50 % off our next stay even though I told him I didn't hear anything. He called back and told us that we could choose from three different options. First, we could choose 5 items for free from the gift boutique. Second, we could have a free 2 & 1/2 hour aromatherapy massage treatment. Third, we could have our room free. We later found out that "Fabian" doesn't work for the hotel. He is actually a past guest who was thrown out and has declared war on the Best Western Primrose. I guess he has been randomly calling patrons for over a year, promising them different things in order to stir up trouble. Curse you Fabian!

3. While eating at a Pizza Hut in Ashtabula, I went to change Connor in the bathroom. It was a single bathroom, but the door didn't lock. I didn't worry about it, because Connor isn't really all that shy yet. A biker women with little teeth opened the door, looked confused, and came in. I told her I would be done in just one minute. She said, "I don't care if you don't care," and continued to use the bathroom. I was frantically trying to get done, and while I was diapering Connor, she leaned over and began to play with him while peeing. It was seriously the most disgusting event that ever happened. Kevin later heard her boyfriend telling the table that people call him, "The Bumblebee."

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