Saturday, August 14, 2010

Max and Erma's

Kevin and I met for lunch last week (Hall of Fame week for Canton) at Max and Erma's. As soon as we sat down, Elliot wanted to eat so I started nursing in the corner of our table.

When we first arrived, there was a man down the aisle trying to catch my eye. When I looked up, he smiled and nodded his head. I felt a bit odd, like he was trying to flirt, so I just didn't look at him.

He turned in his booth so that he was facing the family and he stared the entire while we sat. Kevin noticed too, and we both agreed that it was the most uncomfortable stare and lunch we have ever had. Connor loved it though and turned to have an unintelligble conversation with the man.

The man got up and limped around our table twice, which was odd because there wasn't anything behind us. We just assumed he was trying to watch me nurse. I mean, honestly there are really only two types of Americans. Those scandalized by nursing mothers and those who are fascinated by it. I'm so use to both that I assumed this man was the same.

So he takes off his shirt and walks over and places it on the table and says, "Your son is very beautiful." He walks away and Kevin says that he thinks the shirt is for me to cover up with. So, I left it on the table and refused to touch it. The guy is now talking with Connor and laughing at whatever Kevin says to Connor during our meal. I told Kevin that if he followed us, I wouldn't be able to take him back to work because I didn't want him to know where to find us.

Anyways, Long story short. He was from the Italian soccer team that had played in the 2008/2010 world play offs. He actually kicked the first goal of the year agaisnt Slovakia. He had given us an autographed shirt because he was impressed by our family and wanted us to have it. He lost his five month old son last month and was sad.

I felt like the biggest jerk for not being nice and avoiding his eyes the entire time we ate. If he would have told us before he left, we would have been much more receptive. European countries don't view nursing like the backwards USA and he probably didn't even realize what I was doing.

But. . .now Connor has an amazing keep sake for his box and can brag that he is so gorgeous that famous men take off their shirts for him. And Ive learned that not everyone is out to get me while nursing. . and that a simple question asked can help avoid miscommunications in the future. I wish I could have thanked him again though. . .

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Logan has also been changing. He has grown his hair out and has it a bit shaggy. He enjoys chasing Grandma's chickens and petting them. He also enjoys playing with his friends and going on play dates. He spends entirely too much time on his computer and watching Sponge Bob Square Pants. He eats entirely too much brown beans and hotdogs/ham.

Logan has recently spent cousin's camp with the Hickeys and Grandma Dot. He traveled to Florida and spent the week swimming, monkey-jumping, and eating Rita's. He prides himself on staying up the latest on the plane.

Connor's Language

Connor has been changing so much lately. He has now developed his own speech that is made up primarily of sounds. Here are some of his words:

1. Vroom Vroom - cars
2. Boom Boom - fireworks,airplanes,loud noises.
3. Ha Gack - hot dog
4. Mama
5. Dada
6. Walck, Guck, Duck, worck, boock, bock - walk, stuck, duck, work, book, bike
7. Uh Huh - appropriate for any response
8. Ick - any brown piece of nature or nasty of any sort.
9. Baba - drinks, puddles, any liquid really.
10. anana - Grandma Dot or Grandma Tam
11. Anana Bach Bach - Grandma Tam
12. Bach Bach - chickens
13. Vroom Vroom Back - Motorcyle
14. Da - Downstairs

Connor enjoys long strolls around the block, controlling Daddy, eating grapes, playing with cars, and napping. He also enjoys tormenting Logan and stealing his D.S.


Elliot started smiling at about six weeks. He is now sucking on his two middle fingers (kind of like the rock star hand gesture.)

Elliot enjoys life. He loves long walks around the block, midnight snacks, and snoozing during daylight hours. He also enjoys fuzzy blankies, dry diapies, and warm baths.

Elliot prefers being held by mommy or Logan (or really anyone except Daddy.)He loves being rocked and having his hair played with. The Fresh Beat Band gives his nightmares.

At Elliot's 2 month check up, we found out he weighs 11 lbs 6 oz. He is in the 50% for weight and head size. . .but is in the 75% in lenth.