Thursday, August 12, 2010

Connor's Language

Connor has been changing so much lately. He has now developed his own speech that is made up primarily of sounds. Here are some of his words:

1. Vroom Vroom - cars
2. Boom Boom - fireworks,airplanes,loud noises.
3. Ha Gack - hot dog
4. Mama
5. Dada
6. Walck, Guck, Duck, worck, boock, bock - walk, stuck, duck, work, book, bike
7. Uh Huh - appropriate for any response
8. Ick - any brown piece of nature or nasty of any sort.
9. Baba - drinks, puddles, any liquid really.
10. anana - Grandma Dot or Grandma Tam
11. Anana Bach Bach - Grandma Tam
12. Bach Bach - chickens
13. Vroom Vroom Back - Motorcyle
14. Da - Downstairs

Connor enjoys long strolls around the block, controlling Daddy, eating grapes, playing with cars, and napping. He also enjoys tormenting Logan and stealing his D.S.

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