Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Logan and Tyler

Logan was inside crying because Tyler (the neighbor) elbowed him in the mouth giving him a fat lip. He told me that he then chased Tyler and was punching him when his dad stepped in. I told him that he wasn't allowed to hit, even if he was hit first, and carried him to the neighbors house so he could apologize.

So, Tyler and his mom came out to the front porch. Logan says, "First, next time we battle I'm going to totally destroy you. Oh. . .and sorry I punched you." (Imagine him saying this in the snarkiest voice possible.)

Tyler says, "Yeah. . .sorry I hit you in the mouth like this (shows what he did.) I meant to hit you in the chest.

Both boys then chuckled about how Tyler had meant to hit Logan and were friends again.

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