Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Connor Updates

Noug Nougs (pronounced Nuck Nucks) - Chicken Nuggets.

Yesterday he was asking for Noug Nougs for breakfast. . .so I made him eggs and yogurt. He ate his food and then asked immediately again. I stopped and got him nuggets on the way to my mom's. He started crying when he went in and was yelling, "No! Ma noug nougs. No! Dock" Because Chester was coming toward him to say hello.

I spied on Kevin and Connor last night. Kevin was reading in his rocking chair and Connor was laying in his crib. He had his leg up in the air, crossed over onto his other leg. His book was balanced on his leg and he was reading, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie," and chuckling.

Connor has been painting his face with his food. He got a small container of baby oreos and has been licking each one and running it on his face until he is covered in blackness. He also does this with yogurt, syrup, and anything else he can find.

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