Friday, January 28, 2011

Logan on moving out

Logan and I were laying in bed last night. He says, "Mom, when I buy a house will you pay my electrician and taxes?" I say, "Why?" He Says, "Because I would have spent all my money on the house!"

Logan has told me for about a year that he is going to live at home and never get married, so I asked him about that. I said, "Aren't you going to live with me and stay in your room and play Bay Blades the rest of your life?" He says, "MOM! I'll be working just like Grandpa! It isn't like I'm going to sit in one spot forever and yell Hey You! Bring me a hot dog and a bingo card. . and then just ride around on a wheelchair!"

I guess people who live at home eat hot dogs, play bingo, and use wheelchairs.

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