Friday, March 11, 2011


Connor cried because he wanted to leave with Kevin when he was taking Logan to school and then going to work. Logan cried because he wanted to stay with me when Kevin was taking him to school. We finally got both boys settled and this is how the day went:

I took the two boys (Connor and Lio) to get pictures taken at 12 at Kiddie Kandids. Connor was afraid of the bright light and kept his eyes covered with his hands. The lady said to give her high five, and he did with his right hand. Then he gave her high five with the other hand, after recovering his right eye. So she said that he should give him five with both hands, and he did. . but he moved his entire head with his hands to do it so that his eyes are still fully covered.

Lio cried the entire visit. . unless I was holding him. I ended up canceling and rescheduling, but my mom took him and had me leave to try once more. He finally sucked it up and got his pictures, but his face is all red and teary.

As soon as we left, Connor and Elliot were perfectly happy and content and didn't cry or fuss the rest of the day.

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