Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Polar Express - Cuyahoga Valley Railroad

Every year, Kevin and I make a point to find Santa so that Logan can get in a special visit in. One year, Santa was able to take time out of his busy schedule and drive his off-season Honda Accord over to my parents. This year, we met up with him on the Polar Express.

The experience was amazing. I ran out to Old Navy and got P.J's for the family so we could all fit in. Kevin and I both complemented our outfits with scarves and Connor Baby wore his festive green bib.

We listened to the 24 hour Christmas song station that Kevin adores so much each year! And Logan and I practiced singing obnoxious Christmas songs on the way to the station (located near Luigi's).

Once there, we boarded the train while listening to Polar Express songs from the movie. After being seated and greeted by elves, we were read a story and given hot chocolate and cookies. Logan feels that the hot chocolate was the "best hot chocolate of his life!" Connor felt the cookie was much better.

After an hour, we arrived at the North Pole which was decorated with hobos, singing christmas trees, elves, lights, and pretty much everything the kids would love to see. One guy rocked out on his guitar in front of our train window, while another rode a neat bike. One elf did the Marcarena while others smiled and waved.

After seeing the station and waving at all the elves, Santa snuck onto our train! Logan was the first boy on the train and spotted him first. He jumped up in his seat, twisted around, and flung himself into Santa's arms. Santa hugged him tight and asked what he wanted for Christmas. Logan said that he wanted a skate board and that Connor wanted a new diaper. After their visit, Santa gave Logan his very own bell off of the reindeer sleigh.

Logan told me that he was sure that it was Rudolph's bell because he was the first boy on the train and Rudolph was the first deer on the sleigh. He held it tight and slept with it under his pillow for days afterwards!

On the way back, Connor decided he wanted to nurse. I did so, and scandalized a woman who sat across the aisle.

Logan ended the evening by begging for more hot chocolate (two wasn't enough) and then falling asleep in the car next to his brother.

It was a great night! Once Kevin's computer is up again, we'll finally get the pictures up.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Connor = Big boy

Connor use to co-sleep with us, but has gotten so big that we don't all fit in the bed anymore. We started putting him in his crib and he LOVES it. Yesterday was the first night that he slept all night without getting up. (10 p.m. - 7:15 a.m.) He sleep through last night too (9:00 p.m. - 7:15 a.m.).

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Connor's New Activities

For Connor's Birthday, Connor's Grandma Tam got him art supplies. He now markers in the tub, colors in his coloring book, and finger paints in his high chair. After fighting with him not to eat the paint, he strained and hit himself leaving a blue hand print on his face. His first trial ended with blue hair and a blue tongue. Since he has a love of eating his paint, we have been letting him try yogurt and pudding as of late.

There aren't many grandmas out there that can find awesome things like Grandma Dot. She found a front bike seat for Connor that has all the locals oohing and aweing everytime we go out for rides. Connor loves his chicken helmet and Logan is eager to ride along on his two wheeler.

Grandma Dot suggested getting Connor a rocker for his first birthday. We loved the idea, but requested a family heirloom rocker instead. My mom has recovered her old baby rocker and has regifted it to Connor. We have promised to keep it in the family, and Connor has been loving it. He often crawls up, stands up, and rocks like a wild man. We also want to point out the rocking stripes that he is wearing in this picture courtesy of Target.

Connor's new favorite game is hiding in the entertainment center and crawling into boxes. He often doesn't fit, but this is one of his favorite boxes to play with.

Connor's First Birthday

I love these pictures of Connor on his birthday playing with a green balloon. I have an amazing series of them, but limited it to just two. He crawled all over the house hitting himself in the head with his balloon and was laughing the entire time.

Grandma Dot made the most beautifully adorable apple pie for Connor. He loved it! And so did we. Connor's apple pie was one of the most special memories I have of his party.

I wanted a side shot of Connor's hair, because it is about to get cut in these pictures. I forgot how long it was!

Here, my mom is cutting Connor's hair for the first time. Kevin's barber Lee was going to come and cut it, but she ended up with the flu. My mom did a beautiful job and Connor looked very handsome. He wasn't really angry the entire time, but this next picture was just too funny to leave out.

Here, I'm loving Connor after he got his hair cut. He acted like it was very hard on him. He did have a very long party.

Kevin took these amazing pictures. I love the reflections.

Logan's First Day of Second Grade

Logan's first day of school is always crazy. You can see him praying over with Tyler and Riley next door. We have about fifty more pictures of him practicing his fighting moves. I'm glad Kevin took these, he gets Logan on the bus as I move Connor over to his sitter Jill's.

Jackson and Connor

I loved getting to keep Jackson! He was the best little boy the entire time he was here. Jackson swung on the swing set, shared a sink with Connor, made cookies, and slept in Connor's bed. He jumped on the trampoline and I slung him for a short walk. We definetely don't get to keep him enough. We miss all of the Hickeys!

New York

After a long bout with Whooping Cough, Connor and I were both ready for a get away. We loaded up the van, picked The Wurglers II, and high jacked my mom and nephew. After many many hours, we were finally at a wonderful little campground in New York. On the way, we stopped at Hersey Park in Hershey PA. With any Wurgler outing, there is ALWAYS a picnic along side the road.

After our picnic, we went and toured the chocolate factory. We watched the 3-d movie and saw how chocolate was made. Unfortunetly, it was the hottest day of the year and we didn't make the theme park.

Once at the campground, we set up the camper and all lounged around. There were two swimming pools, an inflated bounce house, a golf course, and a park all with in seeing distance. Connor enjoyed a lot of his time in the bucket/tub we had for him on the picnic table. A really nice fellow camper let us use their outside shower for warm water.

Connor could barely fit in the swingset swing. His chubby little legs pressed together tightly. It was too cute to not get a picture of.

The campground had a life size chess/checkers set to play with. Cousin Brandon and Logan had a duel to the death - literally. Security (Grandma) stepped in and stopped the maddness before it was too late. Luckily, everyone survived.

Everyone got together and took a guided tour into New York. We got to go to the Statue of Liberty and to The Empire State Building. It was really neat, and Logan took pictures galore for his dad.

This picture is worthy of Mothering Magazine and was taken on the boat over to the Statue of Liberty. Had to include it for all those Mamas out there.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Sweet Baby Love

Connor leaned over and gave Kevin and I his first big open mouth wet baby kisses.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

New Room

I decided to baby proof one of our rooms for Connor, and moved most of his toys into the other room. Logan helped me organize his toys and he dusted all of the furniture. The room came out really great, so I posted pictures to make my Mom proud.


Since being married, Kevin and I have been able to travel quite a bit but never without a parent and usually not together. We took our first Rapp II vacation together last weekend and had a wonderful time! I planned a short trip to PA, and decided to go to Kennywood Amusement Park. I had to take pictures of everyone loaded in the new Van (Soctavius) because my Mom took the same types of pictures of us when we were little.

In Pittsburg, we got rained on. There were two bright rainbows streaking across the sky, and we could see the entire arches. They were the most beautiful rainbows I've seen and Kevin said they were brighter than the ones he saw in Ireland.

After experiencing the worst Connor Bomb ever, we found a hotel that wasn't booked. It was a Marriott and only about ten minutes away from the park. We didn't have much options, but the Lady at the desk said we could have one king size bed or two doubles. We took the one king size. When Logan went into the room, he looked at the bed and decided that it looked small. He told us that he thought the hotel messed up and only gave us a jack sized bed.

One of the pool rules was "Absolutely no prolonged underwater swimming or breath holding." Logan defied the rule by repeatedly holding his breath underwater. We worry about his morals. After dunking and throwing Logan, we all watched fireworks through the windows. Connor also spent the evening splashing the water and everyone in his path.

At Kennywood, Logan was able to ride all but three rides. He was very brave, and rode most all of them. Here are a couple carosel pictures.

Connor had a tiny bit of cotton candy and painted it on his face.

Logan's favorite ride was the Aero360. It was a ride that hangs you upside down and swings you back and forth. He rode it twice. I took pictures to show you how big and scary it was. He seemed so little to be hanging there next to me.

While waiting, Connor looked cute and posed for a couple of pics. There is also a nice collage of family pics and randomn cuteness and clean family fun.

We hunted this moose and tried to snap his picture, but he was hard to corner and film.