Sunday, October 25, 2009

Connor's New Activities

For Connor's Birthday, Connor's Grandma Tam got him art supplies. He now markers in the tub, colors in his coloring book, and finger paints in his high chair. After fighting with him not to eat the paint, he strained and hit himself leaving a blue hand print on his face. His first trial ended with blue hair and a blue tongue. Since he has a love of eating his paint, we have been letting him try yogurt and pudding as of late.

There aren't many grandmas out there that can find awesome things like Grandma Dot. She found a front bike seat for Connor that has all the locals oohing and aweing everytime we go out for rides. Connor loves his chicken helmet and Logan is eager to ride along on his two wheeler.

Grandma Dot suggested getting Connor a rocker for his first birthday. We loved the idea, but requested a family heirloom rocker instead. My mom has recovered her old baby rocker and has regifted it to Connor. We have promised to keep it in the family, and Connor has been loving it. He often crawls up, stands up, and rocks like a wild man. We also want to point out the rocking stripes that he is wearing in this picture courtesy of Target.

Connor's new favorite game is hiding in the entertainment center and crawling into boxes. He often doesn't fit, but this is one of his favorite boxes to play with.

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