Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Connor has been adding words to his vocabulary like crazy. Here are a few of his favorites:

Lalala - Butterfly
Too Hot! - Bon Fire
Appa Joots - Apple Juice

He is still talking in sounds. Here is a story that he told Kevin about Friday night.

It went like this:

Ababababa too hot! (The bon fire was too hot!) A poop a wawa. (I pooped on the wagon.) Anana Bach Bach Apapa Bach Bach Abooboo (Grandma Tam and Grandpa Tom and Elliot were there.) Connor opens mouth and points repeatedly (I put marshmallows in my checks and ate them.)

Connor is also becoming just like Kevin. He sits in his play room and goes through all of the action figures that are down there. His favorites are Cyclops, Magneto, and Batman. He calls all heros Ironman but refers to his toys as his "Dadas."

Elliot was holding a toy that Connor wanted and he was insisting he needed it. My mom gave it to him but asked him to go get another for Boo Boo. Connor left and actually came back holding his prized Magneto and gave it to Boo Boo. He said, "Anana Bach Bach, A dada, A BooBoo?" (this meaning, Grandma, Can I give Magneto to Elliot?"

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