Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Elliot began rolling over at the beginning of last week. He was making his way from back to front, and getting stuck. He is now able to roll from front to back as well - but doesn't do it nearly as often.

Elliot has also been refusing his bottle. He has gone for nine hours without eating because he hates it! He screams when he sees it and thrashes around. He would rather sleep than take from the bottle.

So - we tried cereal this week. He doesn't get it with me because he is happy nursing. Jill is going to try it though and see how he does. I gave him his first few bites yesterday and he just looked confused.

Elliot has also decided that he loves Kevin this week. He has been smiling like crazy at him when he walks in the room with a look that says, "Here I am! Over here, Over here! Come get me!" It's really sweet!

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