Monday, May 24, 2010

Logan and the Baby Chics

My mom got 27 female baby chickens so that she can harvest her own eggs. Logan has been dying to see the chickies, and has gotten to visit them twice. Both times he has been able to capture the chicks. He gently lifts them up and nuzzles them and pets their underbellies.

Logan has named all of the chickens now, and has started getting them to tricks on a ladder. They are still quite small, so he takes each chick and places them up each rung of the ladder and waits to see what they are capable of doing.

For a child who loves to battle, it's nice to see his softer side and love of nature and animals!

Connor and Balls

Connor was teething this weekend and having a really difficult time. He was angry at life and screaming, so I took him back to rock him. He threw a complete tantrum, but stopped in the middle and started laughing. He hit my stomach with both hands and said, "A ball?" Now if you ask him where Mommy's ball is, he points to my belly.


Logan wanted cheesecake, and asked me if I would make it when I first started dinner. I told him probably, but I wouldn't promise because I wasn't feeling so good. He said, "Ohhhh! Are you having concussions again?"

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Logan's 2nd grade Spring Choir Concert

Logan was excited because yesterday was his choir concert at Copley High School. He refused to sing any of the songs ahead of time, because he said the other parents had to wait too. He pocketed an eye patch from home and we left - meeting up with my mom.

Logan and his class sang made up songs to the tune of classical music. He stood three rows from the back, behind the son of the Green Giant, limiting many of the pictures that we could take of him.

I asked him later if it was him I heard singing in the back left, and he sang a little bit and asked if it sounded like that. I said yes, and he said proudly that it was him I heard. I was actually sitting in the back of the auditorium and there was the entire 1st and 2nd grade class on stage singing.

Logan was one of the two who wore eye patches during the last pirate song about fish and a disgruntled misunderstood octopus.

Overall, it was a very enjoyable experience and Logan could not have been prouder!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


In Fairlawn, a 13 year old girl claimed that she was confronted by a man who tried to pull her inside his car. Logan's school had the police come out and talk to them about being abducted and what to do in that situation. So - naturally, Logan and I had a conversation about it as well. I think Kevin's comic book influence has something to do with his reaction.

I started by asking Logan if he knew what an abduction was. He described it pretty accurately. I told him that he should never go with anyone he doesn't know and that I haven't given him permission to leave with. That he should kick, scream, bite, and basically do anything to escape. That not everyone out there is nice, some people are truly super villains.

Logan says, "Really, Mom? I'm allowed to fight back? What if there's a gun? Can I shoot him? Can I Mom? Can I kill him? What if he left a knife in his car? Can I use that? And Mom, there aren't really super villains. Because, um, they have super powers you know? And these guys don't!"

So I say, "Logan, if you can't get away and have to defend yourself, it would be okay to use a weapon if you had to. It's important that you get away and run to the nearest adult for help."

Logan says, "Mom. Um...Does Dad know about this? He knows I'd be allowed to use a weapon like a gun or a knife?"

I say, "Yes Logan, I think your dad would agree."

Logan says, "Mom, are you sure? Does Dad know this?"

I say, "YES LOGAN! But I'll ask him to be sure."

Then Logan says, "Mom, This would like, never work! Kids are too smart. Plus. . ummm hello! I have a cell phone! I would just call for help while I was in the car. We would never believe that someone was looking for a lost pet or trying to give us candy. But Mom, what if I'm taking care of Connor? If I tried to run, I would have to drag him - and um - he's really heavy!"

Anyways - Logan thinks that 1. It's cool to use a weapon when fighting. 2. That he could never be stolen because he is way too tough! 3. That no kids have ever been successfully stolen. and 4. That it is more important to have permission from his dad so he doesn't get in trouble, than to escape.

I'm not sure this conversation was so successful.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Connor's Kisses

Connor is a quiet little guy. . when it comes to talking. He will point out a ball, bottle, bike, bus, plane, and book by yelling "bah" but doesn't use much other words other than Momma and Dadda.

But Connor understands EVERYTHING. He can point at pretty much whatever you ask him to, and he can identify all sorts of people and things. He stares intensely at whatever makes him curious and absorbs everything about it.

His newest trick is giving Fish Kisses. He squeezes in his cheeks and puckers out his lips in the perfect immitation of fish and kisses.

It's worth blogging because it's one of those momments as a parent that makes all the hard work worth while.

Logan's Picture Day

So lately, Logan has been on a roll. On Monday, my mom promised Logan that she would come and spend the night. He was crying Sunday that he wanted her and squeezed out a little tear, so she couldn't resist. He's good at that.

They slept in his brand new Star Wars bed and began getting ready for school in the morning. My mom got out the comb and started to do Logan's hair. So here was their conversation:

"Grandma, what are you doing?. . . "I'm combing your hair, Logan." "But Grandma! It isn't picture day! Dad only does my hair on picture day!"

So my mom fixes it all up and Logan takes about five steps out of the door, looks at the neighbors (Tyler and Riley) and runs his fingers through his hair a bunch of times to mess it all up again.

Apparently it isn't cool to comb your hair, unless it's picture day.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Logan at La Petite Academy

Logan's stuffed animal fiasco reminded me of one of his adventures in Columbus. La Petite had a mandatory nap time for all of the kids attending. . .and Logan hadn't been interested in naps for about 2 years. He turned five in March and was just too old.

I got a call from the staff saying that he was acting out and was sitting in the principal's office. Apparently, Logan was pretending that Quincy (his best friend) was a dog and was throwing him imaginary bones during nap time. Quincy was then pouncing the bones, and pretending to chew on them and growl. Stripes the cat was also involved, encouraging the boys to growl and give chase.

Both boys were moved to the office and were allowed to sit there for the duration of nap so they wouldn't bother the other kids who were actually trying to sleep.

So typical Logan, didn't want to forget it again.

Furry Friend Thursday

Usually in the morning, I get Connor ready and Kevin gets Logan ready. Therefore, I don't always know what is going on with his lunch schedule or special days that are planned at his school. So last Thursday I get a call on my cell from Arrowhead Elementary and it was Logan. This was the conversation:

Logan starts, "Mom, can you come down to the school right away with my furry friend?" I respond, "Logan, what are you talking about?" Logan says, "Mom! My furry friend! I need him! Can you bring him by lunch?" I say, "Logan, please start again. Explain who your furry friend is." Logan says, "Stripes, MOM! I need him! Can you leave work, this is important."

Apparently Logan knew it was Furry Friends Thursday when stuffed animals were invited to attend class with their owners, but chose not to take Stripes because he thought he would be teased. Once his friends had their animals, he felt left out.

So - I called Grandma Dot who happened to be in Norton at the time. She ran over, grabbed Stripes, and delivered him within thirty minutes of him calling. Thank God for grandma Dot. I'm not sure I could have explained Furry Friends Thursday to my boss.