Monday, May 3, 2010

Furry Friend Thursday

Usually in the morning, I get Connor ready and Kevin gets Logan ready. Therefore, I don't always know what is going on with his lunch schedule or special days that are planned at his school. So last Thursday I get a call on my cell from Arrowhead Elementary and it was Logan. This was the conversation:

Logan starts, "Mom, can you come down to the school right away with my furry friend?" I respond, "Logan, what are you talking about?" Logan says, "Mom! My furry friend! I need him! Can you bring him by lunch?" I say, "Logan, please start again. Explain who your furry friend is." Logan says, "Stripes, MOM! I need him! Can you leave work, this is important."

Apparently Logan knew it was Furry Friends Thursday when stuffed animals were invited to attend class with their owners, but chose not to take Stripes because he thought he would be teased. Once his friends had their animals, he felt left out.

So - I called Grandma Dot who happened to be in Norton at the time. She ran over, grabbed Stripes, and delivered him within thirty minutes of him calling. Thank God for grandma Dot. I'm not sure I could have explained Furry Friends Thursday to my boss.

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