Thursday, September 1, 2011

Info (General)

Connor is officially sleeping without a diaper. He is one week in with no accidents.

When asked what he wants for his birthday, Connor told us that he wants:
1. Party Hats.
2. Birthday Cake.
3. Presents for everyone.

Connor is getting three masks from us: Iron Man, Captain America, and Spiderman. For his birthday party tomorrow (Wurgler side) my mom and I made cookies in the shape of Captain, Hulk, Spiderman, and Iron Man. I will upload pictures once my dad sends them to me.

Connor weighs 36 lbs.

Logan, Jaxon, and Haylee have been climbing all the trees this week. Logan has announced he is no longer scared of heights because Cedar Point and Idlewild have cured him. He made it all the way to the top and was angry that he couldn't stay in the tree until his bus driver opened the door for him to board.

Elliot had his first real play date today when Ben Nickels came over to play. They crawled around and around the chair and hugged each other violently. We have it on video but can't put it online because Ben and family are shy.


Connor walked past a man at Walmart that was wearing an eye patch. He was middle aged, bald, and not wearing it for fun.

Connor mutters under his breath, "Now there's a pirate," using his deepest gravelly voice.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Connor's one liners.

"MOM! My poop looks like a snake and an alligator!"
"MOM! I'm nodda doggie."
"MOM! I'm nodda bubble duppie!"
"Look at me webs" (As he is pretending to shoot everything.)


Connor broke his bottom two teeth two days ago. He jumped on the couch and hit them on the table. He split the bottom left and the bottom right. He cries when we try to brush his teeth, but the dentist said he can't fix them.


Logan is starting the fourth grade tomorrow. He cried all through the store because he didn't want to buy his supplies because he doesn't want to go back. He got Mrs. Kester this year and is in class with his friend Isaiah Nickles down the street. We have orientation tonight, Kevin is coming home early to go with him.

Logan's favorite color is green. His favorite foods are milk shakes, ice cream, waffles, pancakes, and burgers.

Logan has been watching Dragon Ball Z non stop online and playing games online. He enjoys a good video game, going to the movies, and hanging out with his friends. Last week, Logan had Quincy Lyles over for six days and had Deven Frase over for two that overlapped.


Connor is by far the child that is changing the most lately. First, Connor is potty trained completely and has very few accidents. He stays dry all night long and doesn't really need any diapers. That being said, he told me today that he "peed in the Wii remope."

Connor weighs 36 lbs as of now. He uses Kevin's IPad 2 with ease and flips between books and stories on it. He loves "dadas" and taking baths. He prefers Kevin all the time and is a total Daddy's Boy.

Connor says that his favorite color is purple. His favorite food is Lasagna and fruit snacks (called Vroom Vroom snacks.) He likes to pretend he is Mario on the T.V. His favorite shows are Backyardigans, Bubble Guppies, Spider Man (1967) and the newer 1990's, and Jack and the Never Land Pirates.

Connor told me today that he isn't afraid of Captain Hook. He takes things. But he is afraid of the mean tomato on Bubble Guppies.

Connor loves painting right now. He uses purple and green always and tells me that he is making pictures for his daddy.


So many changes that I have been so bad on documenting. Elliot has gotten much happier in the past few weeks. He started asking for Kevin at the start of last week. He cries for him when he gets home from work and hauls booty across the floor to get to him. He is also walking now. He was crawling like a spider for about a month before. He gets up on his hands and feet and flies across the floor. He started taking steps about two weeks ago and has been trying to walk since. Yesterday he was walking almost exclusively, and now he is only walking.

Elliot has also started playing action figures. He picks them up and shrieks and then bangs them on the table. He loves feeding himself, taking baths, and playing in the playroom. He is a t.v. hog and also enjoys the trampoline.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Improv Vacation 2011

I decided last minute to fly to Florida to attend Linda's bachelorette party. I called Ken and made arrangements, called the kids I babysit last minute to cancel, and had a ticket for two days later. I took Elliot because he has been such a difficult baby and because he is still nursing. Frank came and stayed with the kids. (The boys loved Frank. . they got to eat milk shakes and beat up Frankie during the two days he was with them.)

When I got Elliot to the airport, we got through security with no problems. I watched as two mid-seventy year old women with walkers were patted down because they set off the detectors. They cupped them and felt around and it was truly horrible. Elliot played on the floor, smiling at all the guests, and fell asleep as soon as the plan began moving on the runway. I sat next to a couple that reminded me of Martha and Dan and the flight was enjoyable and easy.

Once I got to Ken's, it was time to eat and run. Linda picked me and took me to Mindy's, where we made cookies and chatted. Elliot fell asleep at 9 and stayed asleep until after I got home. It was relaxing and enjoyable! The cookies were good and it was nice to just sit and talk to adult women.

Elliot and I visited the pool and met up with Linda the next day. We had Mimosas and Linda threw me grapes in the pool (because she knew it was a dream of mine.) Elliot slept in his stroller for about an hour and a half before he got up and played in the water.

After a long nap, I was ready to go out with the girls.

The party was a lot of fun. We girls all sat around and snacked, visited, and became acquainted ;) I met a girl named Gina who drove me and watched over me for the evening. I'm hoping to revisit at the wedding! At around 10:30, we left for the bars. After showing off some Running Man skills and teaching the Microwave, Paul arrived and made Linda's night! He got to visit for about 30 minutes or so and was back on his way home. We moved around to three places, danced. . posed on poles, and had a whole lot of fun. Paul was assaulted by a four foot five female version of Sam from Lord of the Rings and looked mortified as she shimmied and shaked and well. . grinded all over his body. . . I hope we got pictures!

I made it home around 2 am expecting Elliot to be screaming. Ken had him snoozing peacefully. He said he was great, which really did make the evening one of the most fun I've had in a LONG time. Guilt free does make a big difference.

Watching Ken with Elliot, and Elliot with Ken was amazing. All of my kids love Ken and Paul, but i felt like Elliot connected with him even more so than the others. I guess because Elliot has been so difficult and angry. . and did a complete turn around when Ken came. I was able to walk freely in and out of the room without hearing him scream for me and sob crawling across the floor. Elliot loved Ken from the moment they got home.

Elliot yelped "Eh Ehh Ehhhh" and would crawl around the corner waiting to find Ken. He crawled up and down the stairs to Ken and kissed and poked him through the banister. He chased him around the house on all fours and giggled when Ken would round the corner. Elliot also started giving kisses this weekend, the kind when babies grab your ears and shove your entire nose into their mouths.

Elliot would sit in his chair eating all of Grandpa's apples, and would call out and Ken would come straight to him. He never cried the entire weekend, he just would chirp and babble and Ken would come to pick him up or chase him or take him on a walk.

During the trip, I called Aunt Terry. She came and got me right away and we had a lovely lunch at Bahama Breeze. Conversation came easy and Elliot snacked on my chicken. She is coming home for the next three weeks, so i'm hoping for a Wilson family party so we can visit again soon.

At the airport leaving, Elliot thought that Ken sat down beside me. He saw the tennis shoes and the white socks and starting yelling, Eh Ehhhh Ehhhhhh again. He crawled over smiling huge, and then got crocodile tears when he saw it wasn't Ken. ADORABLE! but sad too!

The flight home went great as well. The security guards helped unload all of my stuff onto the conveyor belt, and carried it all to the chairs for me so I only had to carry Elliot. I got a man on the plane who started the trip by telling his wife it was going to be a long flight and pointing to Elliot. . but we proved him wrong. Elliot sat on my lap for two hours playing with his toy car, eating crackers, and watching video of him and Ken playing on my camera. He fell asleep the last thirty minutes. At the end of the flight, the man said Elliot was great and asked him name.

Overall, I rate this vacation a 10. It was everything I wanted and more. It was restful, peaceful, and fun. I loved spending time with Linda and Mindy and enjoyed my adult time. I loved hanging out at the house napping, swimming, and visiting with Ken. The only thing that could have been better was seeing more of Paul - and there just wasn't enough time.

Thank you Ken for helping make this happen, especially last minute. Elliot and I love you very much!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Connor's storage bin

Connor finds a penny at Barnes and Nobles. I ask him if he is going to put it in his pocket. He looks down, and doesn't see a pock pock. So. . he says. . "Me money, in me dye-pee?" He then tries to put the penny down his pants.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Logan's April Fools Test

Logan had a test at school that asked for his mother's maiden name. He answered Rosa. . because he thought that it was asking for "my maid's name."

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Elliot's teeth

Elliot now has five teeth, two on the bottom and three on the top. They all sprouted through after four days of seeing the first.

He has also started screaming out of anger. . often. . .especially when Connor is trying to look at a toy that Elliot is interested in.

Logan's Funny School Days

Logan is finishing his final week before Spring break and they are celebrating by dressing goofy each day. One day is hat day, p.j. day, duct tape day, etc. . .

So Logan tells Kevin that he doesn't want to do duct tape day because duct tape makes him nervous. Kevin asked why and Logan said that duct tape would hurt if it got on his skin and that he didn't want it to rip out his arm hair because "he's been growing that hair for a while."

I had an appointment scheduled and the lady called Logan's phone and left a message. He asked me if I could have her only call my phone because "her message startled him." Then he said, "Wouldn't you be startled too if you heard a message from someone you didn't know?"

Monday, March 14, 2011

Elliot's development

Elliot found his anger and jealousy this week. I took a pretzil rod from him (that Connor gave him while I was out of the room) and Elliot threw a tantrum. He laid on the floor, hid his eyes in his arms, and wailed. He did the same whenever he saw me holding my foster-neice Gianna.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Logan - American Idol

"Mom. Seriously. You might see me on this show one day. Be ready for it."

Also, one of the judges said that Adele was being channeled by one of the preformances.

Logan says, "A dell? What? Like a computer just grew legs and arms and is dancing around on stage? That's ridiculous!"


Connor got up today when I was in the shower. He walked into the living room, clicked on the t.v., then went and hid by his rocking chair. The t.v. wasn't set right, so it was black. Connor passed out on the floor for another hour. I had to search to find him.


Connor cried because he wanted to leave with Kevin when he was taking Logan to school and then going to work. Logan cried because he wanted to stay with me when Kevin was taking him to school. We finally got both boys settled and this is how the day went:

I took the two boys (Connor and Lio) to get pictures taken at 12 at Kiddie Kandids. Connor was afraid of the bright light and kept his eyes covered with his hands. The lady said to give her high five, and he did with his right hand. Then he gave her high five with the other hand, after recovering his right eye. So she said that he should give him five with both hands, and he did. . but he moved his entire head with his hands to do it so that his eyes are still fully covered.

Lio cried the entire visit. . unless I was holding him. I ended up canceling and rescheduling, but my mom took him and had me leave to try once more. He finally sucked it up and got his pictures, but his face is all red and teary.

As soon as we left, Connor and Elliot were perfectly happy and content and didn't cry or fuss the rest of the day.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Elliot started crawling at the beginning of last week and now does the commando crawl across the floor. He has also cut his first tooth as of yesterday! It popped through the bottom right side.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Elliot is crawling.

Elliot started crawling four days ago (Tuesday, February 23th.) He is able to inch around the house now and crawls to my feet and begs to get up. He is usually content to sit with a box of toys, but will inch if he sees something that is extra enticing.

Great Lakes Science Center

We went to the G.L.S.C. today and checked out the Mars Exhibit and the General Admission area with the boys.

We really enjoyed the Main Admission section which was loaded with cool activities for the kids and neat things for us to look at. Connor found a play section loaded with balls while Logan created twisters, echoes, and chaos.

The Mars exhibit was a bit disappointing. Not lame, but just okay. Logan was able to create his own rockets and launch them though. . which entertained him for along while.

Logan skipped to every exhibit learning about traveling in space, while Connor wondered around gaping at everything in site.

Kevin will post pictures soon.

Monday, February 14, 2011


Connor has had a couple of really big moments. First, he is sleeping in a tiny bed provided by Grandma Dot. It's adorable - the size of a crib but only as tall as my shin. Every night, he sleeps with about 25 action figures and three books. I hear them fall and hit the grate during the night. He often gets up, finds Kevin, and says "Mo dadas? Mo dadas?" (More action figures? Want to play?"

I ordered Connor mini corndogs on Sunday at Steak n Shake. He bit into each of them, gasped, and said, "Chicki nug nug a ha dock!" (A chicken nugget hot dog!)
He bit each of them to make sure that there was a hidden hot dog in each and cheered with each finding.

He has also been saying, "bing eh aw Boo Boo L-ye-ot." (Bring it on Boo Boo Elliot.) I have to run and save Boo before Connor can fully attack.


Elliot went to the Dr. and was weighed at 17 lbs about three weeks ago. He can squirm on the floor, but is really happy just sitting and looking around. On Friday, he looked at me and turned. He grabbed the couch and pulled himself up into a full standing position. It's the first major movement that he has done. He has no teeth yet, and is drooling like crazy.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Logan on moving out

Logan and I were laying in bed last night. He says, "Mom, when I buy a house will you pay my electrician and taxes?" I say, "Why?" He Says, "Because I would have spent all my money on the house!"

Logan has told me for about a year that he is going to live at home and never get married, so I asked him about that. I said, "Aren't you going to live with me and stay in your room and play Bay Blades the rest of your life?" He says, "MOM! I'll be working just like Grandpa! It isn't like I'm going to sit in one spot forever and yell Hey You! Bring me a hot dog and a bingo card. . and then just ride around on a wheelchair!"

I guess people who live at home eat hot dogs, play bingo, and use wheelchairs.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Logan - If you ever want to trade in your own son, read this.

"Hey Mom, sorry I broke your clock. It was really nice. But the good news is it proves my BayBlade is really really tough. Cause the other BayBlade I used didn't even scratch it!" Logan Rapp

Connor's First Escape

Connor crawled out of his crib for the first time today. I had him show me how on the camera. . as a re-enactment. I guess it is time to move him into a big boy's bed.

Elliot is scooting all over the floor now but isn't getting up on his hands and knees yet. He has also started reaching for me when I pick him up from Jill's house. He loves sweet potatoes and apples. . but doesn't much care for anything else.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Game of Things

Kevin, Logan, Frank, and I were playing the game of things. Your suppose to read a topic and write down what you think about it. The other players have to guess who said what.

The topic was, "What a cow is thinking while it is being milked."

Logan answered, "I'm dehyrdated."