Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Connor's New Gator Hat

Connor has developed an intense love of a few certain items. He MUST have yellow dog, Bobo (A.K.A. Jalapenos Bananas Rapp), and his blue blanket to sleep now. . .along with his aquarium turned on so he can hear the music (2x!)

He must have his gator shoes on, and becomes irate when they must be removed for baths, diaper changes, and nap times.

Now he has decided that he must have his coat and hat on at all times too. His new hat is a ball cap with Gator on it, and his coat is any coat that happens to have been put on that day.

When we take these items off, he screams and throws the closest object to him. He then toddles over to the thrown object, picks it up, and throws it again.

I've always heard that red heads have bad tempers. . .so I'm wondering if he has some red roots underneath.

Logan and his friend

I got a call yesterday asking me to come and pick up Logan. Apparently he and his friend were no longer playing together and "were tired of each other." Once I got him in the car, I asked him what happened.

Logan said that his friend has "an addiction to arguing with his mom" and that he told him that "if he didn't stop, then he wouldn't play with him anymore." He said that he was "tired of holding him back and being caught in between."

His friend fought about putting a shirt on, so Logan went and got a comic book, sat on the couch, and had his mother call me to come and pick him up.

When I asked him if the boy fights with his mother more than Logan and I fight he said, "Oh yeah! He even fights more than Connor Bomber! And besides, who cares about clothes anyways!"

In Logan's friends defense, I haven't seen Logan look this tired before. He has had too many play dates and too many friends for him to unwind and rest. This trip to Florida is going to be good for his soul and for the dark circles under his eyes!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Connor helps me clean the van.

I needed to clean out the van because we are going to Florida at the end of the week. Connor was playing outside with Kevin and was climbing in and out of the van. He was playing with the steering wheel and my wipers and didn't seem to be up to much.

I looked over right when he took a quarter and shoved it into my c.d. player. I ran inside to get tweezers, but ended up just pushing it the rest of the way in.

I tried the player to see if it would work anyways, and Mika's song "Grace Kelly" came on. Connor was sitting in his car seat hanging out and instantly opened his mouth, bobbed his head, began swaying, and started trying to snap his fingers to the beat.

Logan and Quincy

Logan and Quincy have been best friends since they met at La Petite Academy in Columbus. Since then, Quincy moved to Pennsylvania. We still get the boys together though - we really love the Lyles family and love having Quincy!

Quincy's mom had twins the same day that I had Connor. She has two little girls (Casey and Josey) and went into labor the morning after I did. We were both at the hospital at the same time.

Kevin and I ditched Connor and took Quincy and Logan to the "How to Train a Dragon" 3-d movie Saturday night. We got popcorn and all of us loved the film. We definitely recommend it! We then drove to my parents to get the boys and my mom gave the boys ice cream and they ran around until midnight or so.

On Sunday, the boys hung out and played the Wii. We took Quincy back to Youngstown and got home around 6:00. Logan fell asleep on the couch and didn't wake up until 6:30 AM today. He claims he wasn't tired, he was only bored, but I'm not buying it!

Kevin got him ready and took him to his friend Jordan's house today around 8ish. His parents are taking the boys to Amazon (an inside park) today and to the Cleveland Zoo tomorrow.

I expect Logan to be completely cashed . . .especially since he is spending the night at my parents Wednesday (after going to the Wurgler family party planned for him)and leaving for Florida Thursday evening.

What a crazy week!

Logan's 8th Birthday Party

Each year, we let Logan invite his friends over for a sleepover for his birthday. We don't limit the number of kids because we don't want anyone to be left out. . and figure that after a certain number it doesn't make much difference anyways. This year, Logan invited Mathew, Quincy, Jordan, Mitchell, Tyler, Riley, Joey, Isaiah, Aiden, and Alex.

First, we get a call from Mathew's mom saying that he would love to come on Wednesday. Logan couldn't remember inviting a Mathew and said he had no idea who he was and insisted that he had never even met a Matty, Mathew, or Matt. We were hoping he wasn't a middle schooler who found an invite on the bus, and were pleased to find out that Logan just forgot that Mathew was a boy in his class and that he had in fact invited him and plays with him daily at recess.

After arriving, all the boys went into the basement to battle. There were foam bats, swords, bows and arrows, and hulk hands. Connor even got into the heat of battle. Everyone wanted to be on Logan's team and they were having trouble keeping their members straight, so I told Logan's team to take off their shirts so they could identify each other. Everyone (except Aiden ripped their shirts off and one boy announced he was going to take his pants off. (This did not in fact happen, thank God! Due to the wonderful timing of Papa Johns.)

All the boys flooded upstairs to eat. While they were being served, Isaiah and Joey began what they called the "Toot Salute." Each boy around the table began making noises with their armpits dedicated to Logan. We will put the link on this site once Kevin gets the camera to work this week. They all then sang "Happy Birthday to you. . you live in a zoo. . . you smell like a monkey and you look like one too!" and dug into their food. During dinner, Isaiah explained the "Spell ICUP" joke to the other boys. This joke was explained about 30 times, each time getting giggles from all the boys at the table. Classic!

Because it was nice out and the boys were a little crazy, I had them wrap up and sent them out for a coloring contest on the driving with chalk. I told them that whoever made the best birthday picture for Logan would win a prize and Logan got to be the judge. Each boy whined that they didn't want too, and then each boy whined that they wanted more time once the timer went off. Each sign had balloons and people and Alex decided to draw a wiener on his picture. Don't know about 8 year old humor. . .but all the boys thought that it was hysterical! I'm sure the neighbors loved it! (It's a good thing it rained Sunday.) Logan picked out four winners and gave out candy.

Joey (almost six) got to pick a prize for his chalking. He picked out a full pack of pink peeps. I've never seen a little boy so excited in my life! He started singing a song about how his Mom was going to be soooo mad. And then he explained to me that he LOVES peeps because, "they have chocolaty smiles, marshmallow insides, and pink sugar!" He ate two full rows in about 4 minutes and when asked if he would share he said, "Alright. . I guess you can have a piece of his ear."

Each boy got a can of silly string for their efforts and attacked each other in the drive. Kevin lined up three who sprayed too early and gave the other boys a free shot. They ran around screaming and loving the string. . but wishing they had more.

I divided them into pairs for the scavenger hunt after the fight. Once again, each group whined that they didn't want too. . .and then whined that they wanted more time at the end. Alex (the character of the night) went into the mulch and dug up a long worm for their bug requirement. Logan (so typical!) went to his action figure box and dug up Baxter Stockman (the man-fly from The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) for his teams requirement. And, keeping with tradition from last year, Alex ran to the pine tree in the front and fell into it and completely under it while trying to get a pine cone. Last year, it was Devan who got his afro stuck in the back pine tree.

After this, all the boys divided up. Logan and friends played Guitar Hero in one room, while four - six boys played Wii in the other. Jordan and Quincy teamed up for the night and played Xbox in the basement and everyone else battled off and on. Creepy crawlers and Martian Matter was created and air hockey was played.

Kevin turned on G-Force around 11:30 and had the boys settle in for the evening. At 1:20 we heard an uproar. Apparently G-Force inspired my five year old nephew to bite Mitchell on the leg because "Mitchell was in his spot." Mitchell retaliated by attacking Aiden. So. . . Aiden got to sleep in Logan's room and watch his fishes.

At 1:30, Kevin was still trying to get ALL the boys to sleep. Kevin getting worked up is pretty funny (no offense, honey) but it doesn't happen often. I hear him say, Alright boys, Zip it! No seriously! Be Quiet! Okay. . .no one is allowed to get up until 6:30. . who wants to make it 6:45. Okay 6:45. . .who wants to make it 7?? Eventually it actually worked and they all quieted down to sleep.

In the morning, we all had pancakes. Boys battled (shocking, I know!) and played the Wii (bigger shock!) Everyone was gone by 11 or so. . except for Aiden and Quincy.

I think that is mostly what happened. I can't remember more right now, but we will be adding pictures and videos this week.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Logan lost a tooth

Logan lost a tooth at school yesterday.

The school sent it home in plastic, sealed in a zippy bag with a note that said that the bag contained bio-hazardous materials. It stated that the tooth was covered in plastic as a safety precaution so others would not come in contact with bodily fluids.

Connor's pneumonia

Since I'm keeping this as a journal, I thought I should document Connor's pneumonia just in case I can't remember how old he was.

Nothing much to say really. Had a trip to the E.R, got some x-rays that showed that he had a lung infection. No fever or temper. . .he doesn't even really act tired. Just a bit of a cough and some drainage. . and he coughed up some blood a few times.

He had three nebulizer treatments and doesn't seem to even really need those anymore.

Connor Tells. . .

So anytime Connor feels he has been wronged, he comes and tells Kevin and I. He whimpers and points and bobs up and down so we know that he has been assaulted. He tells on Logan for sitting too close to his parents, for not sharing bites of his treats, for really anything. Yesterday he told on me for not letting him run up to Kevin's car when he pulled in.

After school yesterday, Connor came into the kitchen whimpering. . .I asked what happened and he talked gibberish and started pointing at himself. He then started tapping his booty. He was actually telling on himself for messing his diaper.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Connor's shoes

I bought Connor a new pair of shoes that have a gator on them. Connor has been putting his finger up to the gator and then yelling and pulling his hand away - pretending that Gator is biting him. Last night, he fed Gator his water bottle during bedtime, and this morning he fed Gator a bite of his cookie.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Calling Hours

Yesterday, Kevin and I needed to go to calling hours in Cleveland. I dressed up the boys in matching blue corduroys and matching blue and green plaid shirts. As we drove to Cleveland I told Logan that he needed to be on his best behavior. We walked in and all hell broke loose.

I'm talking to a good friend and look over and Logan and Connor are wrestling on the floor. Connor is squirming trying to get away and begins to squeal. I tell Logan to let him go and Connor gets up. Logan then grabs him and swings him around like a merry-go-round. I break up the boys and Logan gets tears saying that he can't do anything fun.

Kevin takes the boys out of the main room into the hallway. I find them swiveling on a swivel chair in some man's office that wasn't even open to the public. Logan then finds some steep stairs and begins leaping off of them and landing on his feet. Connor feels he should be able to do the same and begins backing his booty up to the stairs so he can go up and down. He screams as I pick him up and wiggles until I have to hand him off to Kevin.

Kevin and I try to leave, but our friend says he is going to be given a sword during a ceremony so we try to stay. Logan begins doing jumping jacks in the middle of the crowd.

We apologize at this point and make our way to the exit. We get outside and ask Logan why he decided to act like such an animal. He explains that it's our fault because we had him sit for the fifty minute car ride, and that boys need to exercise.

I blog this so that when his kids are bad at some serious function, I can tell him not to be too hard on them because he did the same shenanigans when he was a kid.

Sigh. It's a good thing that we weren't expected to stay the entire time. We would have been kicked out for sure.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Jalapenos "Bobo" Bananas Rapp

When Logan was about 18 months, he got to pick out a stuffed animal from Hallmark. That is when Stripies was adopted into the family.

Our family recently took Connor to Hallmark, hoping that he could find comfort in a new animal and actually start sleeping through the night. We adopted a new monkey that Logan has named Jalapenos Bananas Rapp.

Connor has a favorite book though, it's called Hug. Aunt Kat and Grandma Dot got it for him for Christmas. The monkey in the book (Bobo) goes through the story looking for a hug.

Connor has renamed his monkey after making the connection. He is now Bobo, and Connor loves him and hugs him during nap times.

Logan's Dream

We're in the car and Logan says, "I'm either going to be a composer or someone who does math for money." Jody, "What's a composer." Logan, "It's a musical genius. My music teacher said someone on my side of the room has a really good voice, and I know it's me."