Thursday, March 4, 2010

Calling Hours

Yesterday, Kevin and I needed to go to calling hours in Cleveland. I dressed up the boys in matching blue corduroys and matching blue and green plaid shirts. As we drove to Cleveland I told Logan that he needed to be on his best behavior. We walked in and all hell broke loose.

I'm talking to a good friend and look over and Logan and Connor are wrestling on the floor. Connor is squirming trying to get away and begins to squeal. I tell Logan to let him go and Connor gets up. Logan then grabs him and swings him around like a merry-go-round. I break up the boys and Logan gets tears saying that he can't do anything fun.

Kevin takes the boys out of the main room into the hallway. I find them swiveling on a swivel chair in some man's office that wasn't even open to the public. Logan then finds some steep stairs and begins leaping off of them and landing on his feet. Connor feels he should be able to do the same and begins backing his booty up to the stairs so he can go up and down. He screams as I pick him up and wiggles until I have to hand him off to Kevin.

Kevin and I try to leave, but our friend says he is going to be given a sword during a ceremony so we try to stay. Logan begins doing jumping jacks in the middle of the crowd.

We apologize at this point and make our way to the exit. We get outside and ask Logan why he decided to act like such an animal. He explains that it's our fault because we had him sit for the fifty minute car ride, and that boys need to exercise.

I blog this so that when his kids are bad at some serious function, I can tell him not to be too hard on them because he did the same shenanigans when he was a kid.

Sigh. It's a good thing that we weren't expected to stay the entire time. We would have been kicked out for sure.


  1. Hahahahaha!

    Don't worry about it. Like I told you Wednesday night: my grandfather would have laughed his ass off at the sight of Logan and Connor wrestling in the back of a funeral (even if it was his).

  2. PS - Tell Logan I'll send him pictures of my sword, if he doesn't get to see it tomorrow.
