Monday, March 29, 2010

Logan's 8th Birthday Party

Each year, we let Logan invite his friends over for a sleepover for his birthday. We don't limit the number of kids because we don't want anyone to be left out. . and figure that after a certain number it doesn't make much difference anyways. This year, Logan invited Mathew, Quincy, Jordan, Mitchell, Tyler, Riley, Joey, Isaiah, Aiden, and Alex.

First, we get a call from Mathew's mom saying that he would love to come on Wednesday. Logan couldn't remember inviting a Mathew and said he had no idea who he was and insisted that he had never even met a Matty, Mathew, or Matt. We were hoping he wasn't a middle schooler who found an invite on the bus, and were pleased to find out that Logan just forgot that Mathew was a boy in his class and that he had in fact invited him and plays with him daily at recess.

After arriving, all the boys went into the basement to battle. There were foam bats, swords, bows and arrows, and hulk hands. Connor even got into the heat of battle. Everyone wanted to be on Logan's team and they were having trouble keeping their members straight, so I told Logan's team to take off their shirts so they could identify each other. Everyone (except Aiden ripped their shirts off and one boy announced he was going to take his pants off. (This did not in fact happen, thank God! Due to the wonderful timing of Papa Johns.)

All the boys flooded upstairs to eat. While they were being served, Isaiah and Joey began what they called the "Toot Salute." Each boy around the table began making noises with their armpits dedicated to Logan. We will put the link on this site once Kevin gets the camera to work this week. They all then sang "Happy Birthday to you. . you live in a zoo. . . you smell like a monkey and you look like one too!" and dug into their food. During dinner, Isaiah explained the "Spell ICUP" joke to the other boys. This joke was explained about 30 times, each time getting giggles from all the boys at the table. Classic!

Because it was nice out and the boys were a little crazy, I had them wrap up and sent them out for a coloring contest on the driving with chalk. I told them that whoever made the best birthday picture for Logan would win a prize and Logan got to be the judge. Each boy whined that they didn't want too, and then each boy whined that they wanted more time once the timer went off. Each sign had balloons and people and Alex decided to draw a wiener on his picture. Don't know about 8 year old humor. . .but all the boys thought that it was hysterical! I'm sure the neighbors loved it! (It's a good thing it rained Sunday.) Logan picked out four winners and gave out candy.

Joey (almost six) got to pick a prize for his chalking. He picked out a full pack of pink peeps. I've never seen a little boy so excited in my life! He started singing a song about how his Mom was going to be soooo mad. And then he explained to me that he LOVES peeps because, "they have chocolaty smiles, marshmallow insides, and pink sugar!" He ate two full rows in about 4 minutes and when asked if he would share he said, "Alright. . I guess you can have a piece of his ear."

Each boy got a can of silly string for their efforts and attacked each other in the drive. Kevin lined up three who sprayed too early and gave the other boys a free shot. They ran around screaming and loving the string. . but wishing they had more.

I divided them into pairs for the scavenger hunt after the fight. Once again, each group whined that they didn't want too. . .and then whined that they wanted more time at the end. Alex (the character of the night) went into the mulch and dug up a long worm for their bug requirement. Logan (so typical!) went to his action figure box and dug up Baxter Stockman (the man-fly from The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) for his teams requirement. And, keeping with tradition from last year, Alex ran to the pine tree in the front and fell into it and completely under it while trying to get a pine cone. Last year, it was Devan who got his afro stuck in the back pine tree.

After this, all the boys divided up. Logan and friends played Guitar Hero in one room, while four - six boys played Wii in the other. Jordan and Quincy teamed up for the night and played Xbox in the basement and everyone else battled off and on. Creepy crawlers and Martian Matter was created and air hockey was played.

Kevin turned on G-Force around 11:30 and had the boys settle in for the evening. At 1:20 we heard an uproar. Apparently G-Force inspired my five year old nephew to bite Mitchell on the leg because "Mitchell was in his spot." Mitchell retaliated by attacking Aiden. So. . . Aiden got to sleep in Logan's room and watch his fishes.

At 1:30, Kevin was still trying to get ALL the boys to sleep. Kevin getting worked up is pretty funny (no offense, honey) but it doesn't happen often. I hear him say, Alright boys, Zip it! No seriously! Be Quiet! Okay. . .no one is allowed to get up until 6:30. . who wants to make it 6:45. Okay 6:45. . .who wants to make it 7?? Eventually it actually worked and they all quieted down to sleep.

In the morning, we all had pancakes. Boys battled (shocking, I know!) and played the Wii (bigger shock!) Everyone was gone by 11 or so. . except for Aiden and Quincy.

I think that is mostly what happened. I can't remember more right now, but we will be adding pictures and videos this week.

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