Monday, March 29, 2010

Logan and Quincy

Logan and Quincy have been best friends since they met at La Petite Academy in Columbus. Since then, Quincy moved to Pennsylvania. We still get the boys together though - we really love the Lyles family and love having Quincy!

Quincy's mom had twins the same day that I had Connor. She has two little girls (Casey and Josey) and went into labor the morning after I did. We were both at the hospital at the same time.

Kevin and I ditched Connor and took Quincy and Logan to the "How to Train a Dragon" 3-d movie Saturday night. We got popcorn and all of us loved the film. We definitely recommend it! We then drove to my parents to get the boys and my mom gave the boys ice cream and they ran around until midnight or so.

On Sunday, the boys hung out and played the Wii. We took Quincy back to Youngstown and got home around 6:00. Logan fell asleep on the couch and didn't wake up until 6:30 AM today. He claims he wasn't tired, he was only bored, but I'm not buying it!

Kevin got him ready and took him to his friend Jordan's house today around 8ish. His parents are taking the boys to Amazon (an inside park) today and to the Cleveland Zoo tomorrow.

I expect Logan to be completely cashed . . .especially since he is spending the night at my parents Wednesday (after going to the Wurgler family party planned for him)and leaving for Florida Thursday evening.

What a crazy week!

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